First online Live class!!
First LIVE ONLINE CLASS done!!! Still buzzing!!
We had people from UK, Finland, Spain, Poland!! Did I forget some countries?? It was definitely intentional Live Class!
Funny to think after teaching over decade, I still got nervous before the class! This definitely makes me see my work in totally different light!!

I have never been big fan of this online teaching stuff.. In my work I want to bring people together, so we can all learn something from each other. But have to say doing this Live way and thinking these times, I definitely learned something new today! Different way of teaching and I hope still bringing people together in a different way!
Great to feel that I am also dancing with people that I haven’t seen for long time. People that have been in classes in other countries. Great to realize we can still keep on dancing together like this!
WE HAD 33 people in the first class!! I just wanna send a big hug to you all!! Thanks for your kind words, support and your time as well! I feel speechless! Which doesn’t happen often!!
Music we used is El Chombo-Llego La Cripta.
Any wishes for next week? Style , times??