Adventures Autumn
Sassy Summer time has ended and I believe it was great Summer time dancing with many of you! Thank you so much for everyone who came along! Now looking forward the rest of the year!
Firstly before I go more deeper into what the rest of the year holds, here is the feedback many of you left this August! Thank you all for taking time and leaving feedback! It really helps me to work the schedule and classes towards what everyone is looking for. The lucky winner from feedback draw was Virpi! Congrats for the free month Membership! Start of the year I got 4,8 average from April and now for 4,8 average from how many stars you would give from the online classes. Happy that people are still as happy about the classes as start of the year! Here most of the answers for these few questions:
Feedback, Question What do you like most about the classes? -The dance teacher who teaches in a style that is extremely helpful for those who have issues with directions!! Very fun classes & a real sense of community
-I love Pirita's energy!I like the way they are structured. There is always something different that pushes me to learn something new. Classes are very creative overall!
-The positive attitude of everyone, it's a safe space, and I love the music and the dances! The pacing is great.The fun and inclusive teaching. Also the music and convenience
-Pidän eniten siitä, että varmaan joka tunti on itsensä ylittämistä. En aiemmin uskonut, että niinkin voisi käydä. = What I like most is that every class I can feel to push my boundaries. I didn’t think that could happen before.
-Friendly non-judgemental teacher, makes classes fun. A focus on progressing at your own pace, taking time to acknowledge how you are improving, not focusing on getting everything right, but just doing the best you can on that day, at that time and seeing how it works out!
-kun sä opastat ja oot läsnä kokoajan =Your directions and how present you are all the time.
-Well structured, we're learning new dances/moves and they are fun
-The different styles!
-I really love your teaching style! You're fun, down to earth and really encouraging.
-Pirita's wonderful style and mix of fun, relaxation, flow and energy, and that there are no such things as mistakes. Oh ... and I love the different people in the classes and that we come from different cultures, countries and time zones. It is so inclusive and refreshing. Thank you everyone!
-Liikekieli on aika eri, kuin mihin olen tottunut. Mutta toisaalta se on tosi hyvä asia. Ja nyt esim viimeisellä reggaeton level1 tunnilla opin todella paljon ja tuntuu että enemmän kuin viimeisenä vuotena, kun kävin tunneilla :D. Sarjoihin pääsee yleisesti aika hyvin mukaan. Kiva, jos sama sarja jatkuisi useamman tunnin. Mutta aika hyvin päässyt mukaan myös vaikka ekaa kertaa tekee sarjaa. Tekniikkaa ja tanssia tulee hyvässä suhteessa. Lopun käsiheilautus yhdessä on kiva :D =The movement language is pretty different from what I’m used to. But on the other hand, it's a really good thing. And now for example in the last reggaeton level1 class I learned a lot and it feels like learned more than in the last year when I went to the other classes else where : D. You can pretty easily get into the Dance routines. Nice if the same routine continued for several times. But you can also got involved pretty well, even though you would do the routine for the first time. Technic and dance come in a good relationship. In the end the hand swinging together is nice: D -The dance routines are fun and funky, it's a work out and Pirita is an enthusiastic, positive teacher.inspiroiva ohjaus,
-kiva sisältö, monipuolisuus = Nice content, versatility
-Sweat :D
-The relaxing atmosphere, all the booty shaking and being surprised by the new choreography ;).
-Tuesday Reggaeton would be good at perhaps 6pm and 1 hour long would be amazing. I hope Changing class returns as I really enjoyed learning different styles; Musical madness, Street Styles and other surprising classes was fun and exciting to find out which class would be next :D Sunday classes at 4pm would be great also. I also personally preferred the reggaeton on a Thursday earlier after the Contemporary dance workshop as it was previously; as it was good to have a gentle class, and it was almost like it was preparing you for the level 2 reggaeton class
-Would love more commercial classes - sassy music video style! Would also love a class on turning technique and different ways to turn, breaking the movements down.
-I do enjoy Contemporary Classes and I think it would be nice to have different level classes to work more on performative tasks and improv. Maybe a performance group with anyone wishing to join?
-More bachata! Maybe a latin arms class, I am terrible at them.
-Tuesday evening slot back
-Less double classes
-More latin and street dance classes
-Some studio in person classes
-Possible outside classes
-Suomen aikaa klo 20.00 on jo ihan viimeinen aika tunnin alulle. Sitä myöhemmät jää tekemättä online tuntina. Pidän sunnuntai tunneista. Ne rytmittää viikon, päättää viikon ja antaa hyvän fiiliksen tulevaan alkuviikkoon. = Finnish time at 8 pm is already the last time to start class. The later ones can´t work as live time. I like Sunday classes. They rhythmize the week, end the week and give a good feeling for the coming early week.
-A few more 30 - 40 minute classes would be fab
-I wish for specific dance styles to that style's music ie afro style to afro music, Salsa class to Salsa music, hop hiphop style to hiphop music... Dance class can be also a little musical journey to that that style/music culture
-Stretching classes, World dances.. The evening / weekend classes suit me due to my work.
-I have been really enjoying the blend of the Summer flow classes and also the Super Saturday classes. I think the Sat am classes are a great way to start the weekend!
-A 6pm (UK time) start is good for me and the monthly two hour Super Saturdays are also great, especially the mix of stretch/relax and dance/party. I would like to learn new things and I love the more quirky, free flowing, style and great music too. Something we can all do.
-Olen aika paljon tykännyt kyllä näistä ajoista, mitä on ollut, mutta tuo sunnuntai harmittaa, että menee nyt päällekkäin. Tykkään reggaetonista paljon. Kiva, jos säilyisi useampia tunteja ja tasoja. Mutta vaihtelu on kivaa, että on erilaisia tunteja ja vaikka ihan ylläri eri tyylejä eri viikkona jollain tunnilla. Kiva ylläri oli kerran lattiatanko ja baletti. = I’ve pretty much liked these times, which has been, but that Sunday is annoying that it’s now overlapping. I like reggaeton a lot. Nice if you kept for several classes and levels. But the variation is nice, that there are different classes and even quite a different styles for a different week at some classes. The nice surprise was once a floor barre and ballet.
-Jotain lyhempiä tunteja, esim 30min =Some shorter classes, like 30 min
-Contemporary and floorwork
SO HERE WE GO REST AGAIN!! New term and we continue to move forward!

I tried to make many wishes true!
There is now shorter classes, few 45 min classes as well one 50 min. Plus for Autumn break schedule few shorter which you can choose do you do one 30 min or the whole 60 min.
How the rest of the year goes with blocks, we have two 5 weeks blocks and between 3 week of Autumn break special schedule. Why we have blocks? This is just to help planing wise to get all to feel progress and keeping it interesting content in classes to get you all through this end of the year : INSPIRED, MOTIVATED, MOVING FORWARD. For both 5 week blocks will have the same schedule and for the break time, little changes plus extra workshops from other teachers!
First block 6.9.-10.10.2021
Autumn Break schedule 11.10.-31.10.2021
Second block 1.11.-5.12.2021
Reggaeton will continue in levels and during the week will be focusing each week a different choreography. The Sunday will become as a course to help you all forward with isolations and some basic movements, so that you can enjoy the classes even more.
Summer flow continues in the schedule to bring some much needed stretches and core strengthening.
Latin Fusion will have this first 5 weeks each class looking into the style more traditional way + in the chore have that little show element inside. Talking you in musical journey as well!
Contemporary dance comes back and has it's own 5 weeks course! As well Sunday drop in class will be this first 5 weeks street styles, every week having a different style to having our own Sunday party with it.
SUPER SATURDAY´S we have on September and November. Still looking to have them as an hyper-stye, in person as online. Keep your eyes open!
FOR Members I will be having the September each week some little extra training tip and extra video material to help everyone to feel this Adventures Autumn! And the Super Saturday´s will be for Members. Something extra for you to enjoy.
NOTICE THERE IS NOW A 1 month deal for Membership! Click here and check the deal! £17 for a month.
Now just really looking forward to end of the year and what more we all we will still learn!
And if you haven't been in classes for a while or ever before, it is never too late to start and go for it!
Hopefully seeing you all soon!