New Year 2021 Online Live class
Year has changed and now looking forward for a New Year and some new up coming things! Are you ready for it??
Firstly I really want to thank all that has left their feedback from last year! It was really lovely to read your thoughts and experiences! Got a lot positive feedback, thank you all for that! I was really overwhelmed by it!! Thank you for taking your time and leaving your thoughts and wishes too!! I feel it is always really valuable to hear if something is not working for you as well and what would you like to have more. Also the winners from the Feedback competitions has been sent a message! Because I got so much lovely feedback I decided to give another Free January card. Totally one No Mistake T shirt and two January dance cards got new owners!
Wishes for this year:
👉Some earlier classes,
👉More cardio workouts as well,
👉Different levels in classes,
👉More longer structure on scheduling.
I have tried to make your all wishes come true the best I can! Thinking the whole structure that it works as a weekly routine for people who also may want to do many classes in a week and could fit all people's time zones.
The challenge is that many of you are in different countries, but I hope this new system will start to work better for you all.
Also people wanted more longer structure on classes, this new block is 7 weeks totally, but inside the block the class choreographs will change. There is now few levels already marked in the schedule and in the classes that are open level I will more focus on choreographing dances that has different levels inside the dance to keep you all inspired and feeling you get good workout from it as well.
Cardio workouts are something people wish to have more, I will keep this in mind for all classes but as well for this I decided to have our dance marathon idea now for every Sunday!! You can do both classes or just one, but now there is more that cardio idea even inside the weekly schedule as well. Saturday classes have been really quite lately so I decided to see more if this Sunday Marathon works better. I will organize each month a theme Saturday dance days! Something special for each month!! ;) That I will be publishing soon, now just first focusing on starting this New Year with dancing!!

First this week; Gently start up!!
Tuesday 75 Min Ballet Barre with a core workout!
Gentle start after Christmas break!
Wednesday 75 min Musical dance: Latin theme party! Time for some Musical dance and cardio party! This Musical dance class you don't to miss out.!! Let bring light and heat to this winter time
Thursday 90 min Reggaeton cardio class and Body & mind stretching class with as chair.
Ending the week with some fantastic Reggaeton music, getting us into to the Reggaeton world again!! Ending with some much needed stretches with Chair, keeping those hips open and back in good condition.
Book your place now:

First Block for this year!!
This year more going in 7 weeks blocks, trying to keep the same schedule! Only changes will be made in every 7 weeks if some class don't have enough people. Or we need to add new classes.
Reggaeton has now levels for the weeks class and for Sunday I have options for different levels. Sunday the class is also longer so we will have time to do goos end stretches to keep those hips open and back in good condition.
Body & Mind is now on the start of the week, to get in good mindset for the week and taking care of the body for up coming training moments! People have wishes for more core based classes, I have planned this more in for this class.
Latin Fusion class now takes this all to the next level!! First 3 weeks we will have choreo that is REAL latin fusion mix & then last 4 weeks changing the longer choreo. Also every class we will have shorter dance focusing specific latin styles, to keep on learning the different technics as well. Ending each class with short core workout and stretches. To keep the back in good conditions and hips open!!
Contemporary dance is only class that is an course! You can come and try the first class with just individual payment £6 and then sign up for the whole course if you want. We will start from the basics and build it up through the 7 weeks.
Changing class is really given the extra energy for your training! Now more than ever!! Wish was to have something each week that is also different, so here we go. You can also do the both Sunday classes and get a good workout in just 2 hours!! Here are the styles for January: Themes for January: 17th Afrobeat | 21th Commercial hip hop | 24th Musical Dance
Book your place now:
You are still able to book them individually or with the unlimited Membership.
If you come once o week the monthly Membership is the best option!
And now with recurring Membership it will be coming more as a routine as well and helps you keep on going forward.
Just remember booking closes 5 min before the class starts. With the course you can only sign up when we are starting.
Memberships you get unlimited classes for 1 month and the class recordings!
People have wishes for recurring Membership and here it is!!
There is now different options for the Membership: Recurring Membership or Monthly Membership. The benefits in the Recurring is that it will renew automatically, but you can still also cancel it in any time! No sign up fee or cancelling fee!!
You could even do one month and if you feel it's not working for you just by cancelling it, it won't renew anymore after that.
This will just make it more easier for you, then just each month renew it automatically. Also because our schedule will be longer times, this make it smoother for people in the courses as well.
When you book, you can choose they payment options.
If you have any questions, just get in touch with me :
Now just wishing for everyone fantastic New Year and hopefully seeing you in the classes!!! I hope our Dance community will stay strong and keeps supporting each other over this crazy period! I am here for you all!! Let´ s make this Year amazing together!! <3
Dancing with you,
Photo from the New Year schedule by Jukka Tuisku