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Third Block with Online Live class

Second block has been eventful!! Having little look back on what has happened on the past block:

- 7 weekly classes continued! Which meant 28 classes in month!

- 28 recordings do to on your time! - 1 a month Super Saturday party! 2 extra classes each month!

- Dance history lecture the April.

I asked to leave a feedback from the start of the year:

How many starts would you give for the my online live classes now? Avg. 4.8 Last year this was 4,5 . So went up!! Great!!

What have you like the most about the classes? - The teacher has fantastic positive energy and makes the whole experience enjoyable and fun (Which is not always the case with dance teachers!). I also feel like my dancing is improving each week. The dances are fun and I love the music.

- Differing styles every week, reggaeton is good for my cardio and the music is good for my mood

- Also Changing class, which is great to learn other styles

- Pirita’s informal friendly teaching style, developing new skills

- Sinun innostava ja kannustava opetus

- Olen tehnyt nykäriä, reggaetonia, ja latin fusionia. Eniten olen saanut nyt irti latin fusionista - sen avulla kehittäny koordinaatiota ja jalkojen käyttöä, saanu lantion aluetta "rennommaksi" ja hallitummaksi. Nykärissä myös huikeaa kehitystä erityisesti nilkkojen lihaksissa, hypyt ja pyörähdykset onnistuu hitusen helpommin. / I've done Contemporary dance, reggaeton, latin fusion. Most now I'm now out of Latin fusion - it allows developed the co-ordination and the use of the legs, pelvis area "more relaxed" and more control. In the ankles there is also a tremendous development, especially in the ankle muscles, jumps and spins are a little easier.

- I think you're a great teacher - good music, clear instructions and very personable and friendly/fun!

- Fun and energetic

- learning dance routines, the music, the fun and supportive way its taught, the workout, makes me smile and feel uplifted.

- Cha cha chaa vaikka se tuntuu kaikista vaikeimmalle / Cha Cha Cha even though it feels hardest.

- Reggaeton - the choreos are really fun and you really pick up a lot in the class! I usually get to the end and can do the choreo pretty well which is great! I also like that Pirita gives pointers on technique etc too.

- Pirita’s style/energy.

Wishes for next?

- Later classes - Earlier classes

- Shorter classes, better to get in to the schedule.

- More street styles - More Latin Fusion

- Saturday classes

I have heard all your wishes! And just want to firstly to thank everyone who left also their feedback! <3 I really appreciate everything! Makes me just feel so lucky to be doing this with you all. I have tried to implement the wishes for the new schedule! Saturday´s have been really quite before and feels for summer period it might not work. But we will continue with the Super Saturdays! Changing class will have for every other week Ballet Barre and Street styles! Earlier classes where getting quite, so felt we needed to try for this block for just shorter classes on Tuesday. Hopefully this will make a little difference.


Motivation and tricks to not get stressed about doing classes, but finding them easier to your schedule. I have heard your wishes to get some boosting for your May! Here we go!!! Everyone getting monthly Membership will get Motivation May letters toi help them find a way to keep motivation strong and making this May special one!! As much as I was hearing your all feeling I understand them. I feel those too! So let's do this together!

What it includes:

- All 3. block classes! Classes having a little new boost inside them! ;)

- Twice a week getting a motivation letter to given you support to be more motivated and stress free with you dancing!

- Preparing fro Online Flasmop, who ever wants to perform! ;)

- Free ticket to Living Room Performance for 29th of May!

After month seeing did any of these little thing helped your motivation.

How to get access:

-All who have active Membership, you will get all this already! You don't need to do anything!

-Not active Membership: Buy now the Motivation May Membership fro 1 month and get this all! Or the recurring! Either one, now chance to get more for one month!

Third Block for this year!!

Reggaeton continues with levels and now also chance to have a shorter dance session. During the week classes I am changing the choreographs in every two weeks. Sunday we will chance the choreo each month.

Body & Mind is now on the start of the week, to get in good mindset for the week and taking care of the body for up coming training moments! People have wishes for more core based classes, I have planned this more in for this class.

Latin Fusion if last block we took in to another stage! Let´s Level Up!!

Every two weeks I will change the dance. opened on the booking site.

Contemporary dance is only class that is an course! You can come and try the first class with just individual payment £6 and then sign up for the whole course if you want. We will start from the basics and build it up through the course.

Changing class is really given the extra energy for your training! Now more than ever!! Wish was to have something each week that is also different, so here we go. You can also do the both Sunday classes and get a good workout in just 2 hours!! We will have every other week more cardio based class and every other week more technic based class like Ballet Barre.

Super Saturdays will have some unique classes coming up!! Keep your eyes open!!


You are still able to book them individually or with the unlimited Membership. OR JUST GET THE Motivation May Membership!

If you come once a week the monthly Membership is the best option!

And now with recurring Membership it will be coming more as a routine as well and helps you keep on going forward.

Just remember booking closes 5 min before the class starts. With the course you can only sign up when we are starting.

Memberships you get unlimited classes for 1 month and the class recordings!

People have wishes for recurring Membership and here it is!!

There is now different options for the Membership: Recurring Membership or Monthly Membership. The benefits in the Recurring is that it will renew automatically, but you can still also cancel it in any time! No sign up fee or cancellation fee!!

You could even do one month and if you feel it's not working for you just by cancelling it, it won't renew anymore after that.

This will just make it more easier for you, then just each month renew it automatically. Also because our schedule will be longer times, this make it smoother for people in the courses as well.

When you book, you can choose they payment options.

If you have any questions, just get in touch with me :

NOW JUST WISHING YOU ALL WONDERFUL NEW MONTH AND NEW BLOCK! I feel there is something truly unique in our little dance community and it has been strong! Let´s keep it strong and there for you all! Now more then ever we really need to dance and especially dance together!!

Dancing with you,


Photo from the by Jukka Tuisku


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